Wednesday 2 November 2011

Stereotypes, they're bad

Oh stereotypes... The human race is so judgemental at times. How sad... But everyone falls under a category. Let's see here... Bold the stereotypes that apply to you.

I'm American, so I must be obese, loud-mouthed, and arrogant.

I'm a Negro, so I must carry a gun.

I'm Jamaican, so I must smoke weed.

I'm Haitian, so I must eat cats.

I'm Asian, so I must be a nerd who does homework 24/7.

I'm Middle-Eastern, so I must be a terrorist.

I'm Irish, so I must have a bad drinking problem.

I'm Indian, so I must own a convenience store.

I'm Native American, so I must dance around a fire and scream like a savage.I'm Cuban, so I must spend my spare time rolling cigars.

I'm Columbian, so I must be a drug dealer.

I'm Polish, so I must wear my socks with sandals.

I'm Italian, so I must belong on Jersey Shore.

I'm Egyptian, so I must have a pet camel.

I'm Russian, so I must have a nuclear bomb.

I'm German, so I must be a Nazi.
I'm Brazilian, so I must have a big butt.

I'm Puerto Rican, so I must be conceited.

I'm black, so I must love fried chicken and Kool-Aid.

I'm a white girl, so I must be a nagging, steal-your-money kind of girlfriend.
I'm a guy, so I must only want to get into your pants.

I'm a white person who has black friends, so I must think I'm black.

I'm Southern, so I must be white trash.

I'm gay, so I must have AIDS.

I'm a lesbian, so I must have a sex-tape.

I speak my mind, so I must be a b****.
I'm religious, so I must shove my beliefs down your throat.

I'm Jewish, so I must be greedy.
I'm Christian, so I must hate homosexuals.

I'm black, so I must believe Jesus wuz a brotha.

I'm not Christian, so I must need converting.I'm atheist, so I must hate the world.

I don't have a religion, so I must be evil and have no morals.

I'm a Republican, so I must have no sympathy for poor people.

I'm a Democrat, so I must not believe in being responsible.

I'm liberal, so I must be gay.

I'm skinny, so I must be anorexic.

I like to eat, so I must be a fat slob.

I'm rich, so I must be a snob.

I'm not rich, so I must steal everything I have.

I'm a punk, so I must do drugs.

I'm goth, so I must worship the devil.

I'm emo, so I must cut my wrists.

I'm a virgin, so I must be prude.

I'm not a virgin, so I must be easy.
I'm a teenage mom, so I must be an irresponsible slut.

I'm pretty, so I must not be a virgin.

I have a bunch of guy friends, so I must be easy.

I'm single, so I must be ugly.

I dye my hair, so I must be seeking attention.

I hang out with smokers and drinkers, therefore, I must smoke and drink.

I have straight A's, so I must have no social life.

I'm shy, so I must be weird.

I wear what I want, so I must be a poser.

I'm not like everyone else, so I must be an outcast.

I'm preppy, so I must shun those who don't wear Abercrombie or Hollister.

I watch cartoons, so I must be immature.

I believe, therefore I am.